What to Look For When Choosing a US Sportsbook

Best Online Sportsbooks » What to Look For When Choosing a US Sportsbook


#1 BetOnline Sportsbook


BONUS 100%


#2 BetAnySports Sportsbook




#3 Mybookie Sportsbook


BONUS 100%


#4 BetUs Sportsbook


BONUS 125%


#5 Everygame Sportsbook


BONUS 100%


#1 BetOnline Sportsbook


BONUS 100%


#2 BetAnySports Sportsbook




#3 Mybookie Sportsbook


BONUS 100%


#4 BetUs Sportsbook


BONUS 125%


#5 Everygame Sportsbook


BONUS 100%

First Things First: What is a US Sportsbook?

Before you choose which site is right for you, there’s one thing that everyone has to know: exactly what a US best online sportsbook is. Essentially, these are places where you can bet on a game. It could be that you’re betting on live sports, or, alternatively, it could be that you’re betting on casino games, politics, or something else. But, no matter which level it is, at the end, it’s always the same: you’re betting on an event, something that will occur.

Now, “sportsbooks” come in two different distinct kinds: online and off. Offline sportsbooks (or “in-person” ones) are places you can walk or drive to, go in, and make a bet. Many also include restaurants, other customers, and all manner of amenities. These can be a lot of fun, a great way to meet others, and so forth.

The other option, the online option, is different. With these, sports bettors can be practically anywhere while also getting in their betting. They don’t have to be anywhere in particular, so long as they’re online and able to log into the app and make a bet. Thus, convenience cannot be beaten here. Someone can bet from home, from work, from a boring meeting, even while at the game itself. These online sites open up betting to not just the mega fans, the big sports bettors, but others who may have just gotten into it. Indeed, these offer quite a bit of accessibility to gambling that may not have existed in previous generations.

Always Check the Legality of Sites Before Betting

Before you make a bet, a download, or even get serious about researching the lines, make sure that you can legally bet from where you are. Yes, more states than ever make it possible for you to go to a sportsbook or have one of the apps up on your phone. But, not all states do. In fact, you very well may live in a state that does not. So, part of being a good, smart bettor in our modern era isn’t just knowing about the sports; it’s about knowing the laws in your area, too.

Beyond that, you also want to be smart about how much you’re betting. Never bet more than you’re prepared to lose for many reasons. Yes, you may know all there is to know about MLB or anything else, but, upsets can happen, fate can take weird twists, and so forth. No matter which types of bets are your favorites or how sure you are, never make a bet that would cause you significant hardship or worse if you were to lose it. At the end of the day, this is supposed to be fun. Yes, you want the biggest winnings possible and all of that, but you’ll always have the best chance at winning if you’re able to come back tomorrow to play, too.

The One Thing Sports Betting Sites Need: Sports

When looking through the different reviews of which site to go with or which place to head to, there’s one thing that you absolutely must keep in mind: you can’t make bets on a non-existent bet. So, before you head somewhere, make sure that there are sports for you to gamble on. Be sure that you can bet on the NFL (if that’s what you’re into). You don’t want to drive out to the local place of gambling only to find out that, no, even if there’s a hockey team in your area, you can’t bet on the NHL here (or insert your favorite game of choice).

The same goes for online sites, too. Before you download an app (must less set up an account) you want to do everything in your power that this place offers you a chance to bet on the games that you want. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with expanding your horizons, and going into new betting markets that you may not have previously known existed. However, that’s not going to give you the most fun experience in the long run (or probably the short run, either). Thus, before you put a bet down, make sure that they offer the type of game (or games) that you’re going to want to bet on.

More Than Just Sports: Casino Games

If you to go to an in-person sportsbook, the odds are good that it’s going to be some kind of casino. So, when you’re there, you’ll be able to play all of the games that can make a casino a real blast. Maybe there’s blackjack, Texas Hold ‘Em, etc. That said, many of the online sites, perhaps to make this experience as accurate and fun as can be, also offer these games, too.

Yes, that’s right. There very well may be “live-person” poker on an online site. This is, (perhaps surprisingly), what it sounds like. You’ll be able to bet with a real, live, dealer (they’re in a separate location and being filmed in real-time through your app) that you’ll be playing with. This is the kind of feature that really can make one kind of betting app better than another. After all, some just give the experience of betting on this game or that one. However, being able to press a button on your phone and bet against a real, living, breathing person is a true gaming experience, something that you won’t be able to find on all apps. We recommend finding a platform that offers you as many options as possible. That way, in a very real way, the fun (and the wagering) doesn’t have to stop.

Bets Players Want to Make

It’s one thing to have the sports that people want to bet on, yes. It’s something else to be able to offer the kind of casino options that someone would want to play, too. However, to find the best site for what you want, be sure that it has the bet types that you want as well. That means that it doesn’t just have the sports you like, but the way that you want to bet on them. So, if you’re into NCAA Football, be sure to find a site that gives you the option to be able to bet a parlay between three ACC teams or something similar.

There are some bet kinds that are universal across sports, across most of the games that people are going to want to bet on. For example, just about everything gives you some options in terms of the point spread. Whether you’re betting on college football, basketball, hockey, or even soccer, (and in some cases, yes, they’re called “runs”), betting the spread is a mainstay.

By that same token, everything should offer some version (or versions) of the moneyline. With this, you can bet on which team is favored or not with an appropriate handicap. This is, in a real way, what the “odds” are. Some teams are going to be significantly favored over others, (or individuals, if you’re betting on politics, the UFC, or something similar). Yes, you’ll have to bet more cash (or any other currency) on the favorite to come out with more money, but if the underdog comes in, that can be quite a payday indeed.

Prop Bets and Live, In-Game Betting

Another kind of bet that has become more and more popular recently are “props.” Most know these bets through the Super Bowl, but really, they can be in any sport (even your Tuesday night middle of the regular season baseball games). With these bets, the idea is that you’re betting on something that someone is going to do in the game and not necessarily on the outcome of the game.

So, you could be betting on who’s going to hit the first home run of the game. You could be betting on the number of touchdowns that a given player is going to score in a game. Part of the appeal of these kinds of bets is that they allow folks to bet on defensive players (particularly in football) in addition to offensive players (which often are the only options). Thus, you can bet on the number of shots a goalie will stop, sacks a linebacker might make, and so forth.

Another new revolution in the sports betting industry is being able to bet on games “live.” In the past, as soon as a game (or race, or any other event) started, that was the end of the betting. So, if you didn’t get your bet in by the time things started, that was it – you were locked out. However, times have changed. Now, with the right places, you may be able to bet on the competition once it has begun. For instance, maybe you can bet on what the next play will be, who will be next to score, and so forth. The options of what is available now dwarf what existed in the past and thus, by paying attention to this, you can find a quality place to bet, one that really gives you everything you need.


Sure, read every review when you’re looking for a site to find if it has what you want in terms of what you want to bet on, who you want to bet, how you want to bet upon them, etc. But, in terms of factors that separate one place from the next, there’s nothing like a bonus. There’s nothing like a promo. With these, you can separate one site from the next.

For example, each of these sites should have something, some kind of sportsbook bonus. For the most part, these are something like how you’ll get free money for signing up and opening an account. Or, alternatively, it could be that they give you some “free bets.” What this means is that (often if you put in resources over a given amount), you’ll have your first loss or so forgiven. The idea behind this, of course, is to keep you betting, to keep you going, and so forth. That way, you’re always continuing to play – yes, you want to make a profit when you do this, of course, but never forget: the books themselves want to do that, too.

Proper Payouts

In terms of “tips to help you to choose the right site,” one of the most important is that it pays out when it says that it will pay out. In terms of information that you need to know, this is absolutely towards the very top. After all, a site that doesn’t pay you when you win is, despite what it may claim, not really a gambling site, but rather, somewhere that you’re paying fees so that you can look at scores with. No matter what your other needs may be, you absolutely have to have a site (whether in person or online) that’s going to pay you what they should when they should.

Now, that having been said, be sure to read the fine print. For example, there are some that won’t let you make a withdrawal until a certain time period has passed, you’ve made so many bets, you’ve wagered some amount of money, and so forth. The best sites are those that will let you make withdrawals when you want. That said, be sure to know exactly when you can and can’t make transactions on a site before you actually give them any of your money. That’s the kind of thing that can solidify whether or not one site should be your selection for good.

What to Keep in Mind About Online Access

Know what you’ll be using for betting before you commit to a site. For example, does it work on Android? Or, alternatively, if that’s not what you have, does it work on iOS? User experience, when it comes to an online site, is everything. If you can’t make a transaction without your device freezing, if you can’t get a bet in Indiana or something, then it makes no difference exactly what kinds of odds boost they’ll give you on the Super Bowl because the entire site will be inoperable to you. Thus, before you commit to making an account (or accounts) with one of these sites, know that they have a mobile app that will work for you.

Our advice, in this regard, is to make sure that their app will load quickly, completely, and competently on a device of your choosing. Before you put your money down, try it on all of your devices. We always recommend that users from all walks of life try a site on their phone, their tablet, their laptop, or anything else they may bet on. Sure, that’s a bit of effort, but not nearly as much as it would be to try and get a site to load that just won’t.

Customer Support

One of the most important criteria for betting is how they treat their customers. Do they just see you as totals of money, something to be cashed in? Or, do they offer you the real availability of a real human being, someone that you can talk to who will answer your questions when you need them answered? You want to work with a site (whether it is in person or online) that can provide you with real value, a real solution to what questions you may have.

Ideally, the customer support they offer will be able to answer any of your questions from wherever you might be. You could be in Michigan and have questions about why your idea for a teaser bet won’t go through. It could be 3 AM in Illinois and yet you want to bet on a horse race in London tomorrow, yet there seems to be a problem. Those are the kinds of things that a good site, one that’s run properly, will be able to assist with, no matter where you might be in the world.

Effective Customer Service

How can you tell if a site is going to be able to provide the right services that you and other users might be looking for? First, read through all of their sportsbook reviews. See how people have responded to the different bets, the options, and so forth. Popularity is a great judge, yes, but it’s far from being the most effective way to learn the truth. When it comes to what the customers think, don’t forget about customer reviews, either.

With those, you can see just how good their assistance really is. Do they actually have a system for answering your questions? Or are they just content to live with the percentage of folks who just quit the entire thing because it doesn’t work for them? Trust is so important when it comes to giving someone your money. Indeed, of all of the aspects that go into legal betting sites, integrity cannot be overlooked. So, if you find a site that has operators who know what they’re talking about and are there for you when you need it, then you’re well on your way to having a site that you can work with.

Become a Bookmaker

Yes, you can make a lot of money betting on sporting events. Whether you’re in person or you’re going the mobile betting route, you can make a bunch of cash doing things this way (if you know what you’re talking about). That said, there’s another way that you can make these sites work for you – indeed, just make them your own business. That’s right, you can run your own promotion. Many of these sites make it so that you can be the bookie. You can make the rules and then, use your knowledge of sports to make real money through a site.

Odds are, if you’re even thinking about going this route, then you have plenty of sports betting experience. But, even if you haven’t, this could potentially be very lucrative. After all, the best of these sites offer a kind of guide (if not several of them). They can help you to learn more about plenty of sports (beyond the ones that you do know about). That way, you can use this to get more people to wager on your site (and, in time) to be able to win more, too.

Characteristics of Those Who Want to Offer Wagers Professionally

Experts. That’s what they are. They’re people who know the games inside and out. They may even know the other sites in the industry. Perhaps they’re knowledgeable about BetUS, or maybe they’ve had big winnings in the past on DraftKings, and so forth. But, what does set these people apart? The ones that do tend to get the most out of this; they learn about sports that they didn’t know as much about, too.

For example, a great site has some guides that you can use to find out more about a site so that you can make better odds, bets, lines and more. Maybe you’re an expert on the NBA, but the NHL is a bit of a mystery (or vice versa). By using these features at these sites, you can become an expert not just on one sport, but on an entire range of sports. Moreover, you’ll be able to do so with great speed as well. Through all of this, you can get a wide variety of different kinds of bettors at your site. In time, as you might imagine, this can lead to better profits, too. Again, you’re going to want to go with a site that makes these kinds of options possible.

Pay Per Head People

That’s the primary method for how these sites work. Essentially, the idea is that the bookie pays the provider not based on like, the number of deposits that a player makes, but, the sheer number of players. Before you decide to become a bookie with one site or another, please do your research. Check out the information, the reviews, the reputation of each, and so much more. That’s one more way of doing your due diligence, of providing real security for yourself and those who depend upon you.

Easy to Set Up Account and Other Basics

Each site needs the basics. They have to make it so that you can set up a deposit easily, that it’s protected, and so forth. Moreover, they need to be able to provide you with real banking options, ones that you can rely on. Instead of just going with their bank, or one bank or another, they give you real options that you can work with.

Cryptocurrencies, Credit Cards, and More

Be wary of payment methods, too. You want to work with a site that makes it easier for you to not just bet your money but to receive your money back, too. For example, sure, it’s OK to want to use a site that accepts Bitcoin. But before you put your crypto in there, be sure that the payment options match, too. You want to make sure that they’re going to pay you your money back in a way that you want as well. That’s true if you’re paying by cash if you’re paying by VISA, or anything else.

On Top of Everything Else, Use Your Intuition

You’ve been around. If you’ve read to this part of this, you’re seriously considering this. One of the most important factors when determining the differences between one site and the next is your instincts. Go with who you trust. You’ve seen these sites. If you see weird wagering requirements, for example, don’t go with that site. Search elsewhere. Be smart about this, and you can make the best decision for your needs.

Action Unlike Anything Else

When in doubt, go with safety. Go with a site that has what you want and that you can trust. If the process is easy, if it can be followed (and sure, if the promos look good) then give it a shot. Reviews can tell you what others’ experiences with these sites were like. Going by those, you can make a great decision.

Start Today, Bet Today, Win Today

If you want to get in the big leagues and make the big winnings, there’s no better day than today. With so many different options out there, look at the details and find somewhere you can win. Good luck!

BetOnline Sportsbook
Bonus 100% up to $1,000
BetAnySports Sportsbook
Bonus 30% up to $2,000
Mybookie Sportsbook
Bonus 100% up to $1,000
BetUs Sportsbook
Bonus 125% up to $2,500
EveryGame Sportsbook
Bonus 100% up to $500